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10 Best Terrarium Plants for Closed Terrariums | Growth Rates

Closed terrariums are beautiful, self-sustaining miniature ecosystems that bring a touch of nature indoors. Choosing the right closed terrarium plants is crucial for a thriving terrarium. Here are ten of the best plants for closed terrariums, focusing on their growth rates, resilience, and natural habitats.

1. Fittonia (Nerve Plant)

Fittonia, commonly known as the Nerve Plant, thrives in the rainforests of South America, particularly in Peru.

  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)
  • Natural Habitat: Tropical rainforests with high humidity and indirect light.
  • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: Its preference for humidity and indirect light makes it perfect for the moist, enclosed environment of a closed terrarium. Plants thrive in these conditions, making Fittonia an ideal choice.
  • Note: In my opinion, if you are a beginner, this is the best terrarium plant for closed terrariums to start with. I have made so many terrariums have been still thriving. Also Fittonia can be found at Home Depot or Lowe’s easily.

2. Pilea Involucrata (Friendship Plant)

Pilea Involucrata, or Friendship Plant, is native to Central and South America.

  • Growth Rate: Moderate

  • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)

  • Natural Habitat: Humid, shaded forest floors.

  • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: It thrives in high humidity and low light conditions, replicating its natural habitat inside a closed terrarium. It also requires minimal maintenance, making it ideal for low-maintenance terrarium owners.

  • Note: In my personal experience, Pilea Involucrata grows so good but requires larger jars.

    3. Ficus pumila (Creeping Fig)

    Ficus pumila, known as Creeping Fig, originates from East Asia.

    Ficus pumila, known as Creeping Fig, originates from East Asia.

    • Growth Rate: Fast

    • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)

    • Natural Habitat: Climbing and spreading in humid, tropical forests.

    • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: Its ability to thrive in humid environments with indirect light makes it ideal for closed terrariums. It also prefers indirect, bright light for optimal growth.

      4. Selaginella kraussiana (Frosty Fern)

      Selaginella kraussiana, or Frosty Fern, is native to Africa.

      • Growth Rate: Moderate

      • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)

      • Natural Habitat: Moist, shaded forest floors.

      • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: It prefers high humidity and low light, which are typical conditions in closed terrariums. Baby tears are also an ideal choice for closed terrariums due to their ability to thrive in similar conditions.

      • Note: Ferns are always good choice for closed terrariums. Texture of this plant will make your terrarium special.

        5. Peperomia caperata (Ripple Peperomia)

        Peperomia caperata, or Ripple Peperomia, is native to the rainforests of Brazil.

        • Growth Rate: Slow to Moderate

        • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)

        • Natural Habitat: Humid, shaded forest understory.

        • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: It thrives in the humid, low-light conditions typical of a closed terrarium. Another excellent choice is the earth star plant, which also thrives in similar conditions and adds vibrant colors to the display.

        • Note: Peperomia works great in closed terrariums but they are not my favorite because of its color.

          6. Hypoestes phyllostachya (Polka Dot Plant)

          Hypoestes phyllostachya, known as Polka Dot Plant, is native to Madagascar.

          • Growth Rate: Fast

          • Resilience: Moderate (Fairly Resilient)

          • Natural Habitat: Warm, humid forests.

          • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: It enjoys high humidity and indirect light, matching the conditions of closed terrariums. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight as it can cause overheating and brown spots on the leaves.

          • Note: I love Polka Dot plant because it grows like crazy and it is pretty easy to get cuttings for another terrarium and also you can find it easily at Home Depot or Lowe’s

            7. Pilea cadierei (Aluminum Plant)

            Pilea cadierei, commonly known as Aluminum Plant, is native to Vietnam and China.

            • Growth Rate: Moderate

            • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)

            • Natural Habitat: Humid, tropical forests.

            • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: Its preference for humidity and ability to tolerate low light makes it a perfect choice for closed terrariums. The dark green leaves with silver markings add a striking visual appeal.

            • Note: This is one of my favorite plants for sealed terrariums due to its exceptional hardiness. It thrives in both low light and high light conditions and has never shown signs of burning.

              8. Asparagus Setaceus (Asparagus Fern)

              Asparagus Setaceus, commonly called Asparagus Fern, hails from Southern and Eastern Africa.

              • Growth Rate: Fast

              • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)

              • Natural Habitat: Humid, forested areas.

              • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: It thrives in humid environments with indirect light, perfect for closed terrariums. Tropical plants like Syngonium and prayer plants also thrive in similar conditions.

              • Note: Asparagus Setaceus grows fairly fast and can be a good secondary plant if you are looking for visually contrasted terrarium plants. Also it is pretty delicate with light. It can get yellow under so much light.

                9. Nephrolepis exaltata (Boston Fern)

                Nephrolepis exaltata, or Boston Fern, is native to tropical regions around the world.

                • Growth Rate: Fast

                • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)

                • Natural Habitat: Humid, forested environments.

                • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: Its love for humidity and shade makes it an excellent choice for closed terrariums. Prayer plants, known for folding up their leaves at night, also thrive in these conditions.

                • Note: This plant is great but I would recommend using it in larger jars as the plant is quite big. You can source it from Home Depot or Lowe’s.

                  10. Ludisia discolor (Jewel Orchid)

                  Ludisia discolor, commonly known as Jewel Orchid, is native to Southeast Asia.

                  • Growth Rate: Slow to Moderate

                  • Resilience: High (Hard to Die)

                  • Natural Habitat: Humid, tropical forests with shaded conditions.

                  • Why It’s Good for Closed Terrariums: It thrives in high humidity and low to moderate light, making it an ideal plant for the controlled environment of a closed terrarium. Air plants are also a great choice due to their low-maintenance needs and ability to thrive without soil.

                  • Note: This plant is also a great option for normal size terrarium containers.

                    Choosing plants for your closed terrarium involves considering their growth rates, resilience, and natural habitats. Plants like Fittonia, Pilea Involucrata, and Ficus pumila are excellent choices for their beauty, durability, and suitability for the humid, low-light conditions of closed terrariums. By selecting the right plants, you can create a thriving, low-maintenance miniature ecosystem that brings a piece of nature into your home.

                    How to make a closed terrarium?

                    We have a blog post about it. Check it here. Or watch all the terrarium tutorials here.

                    When selecting plants, consider using closed terrarium plants like tropical plants, moss, miniature ferns, orchids, and vines for their low maintenance and thriving potential in humid environments.

                    Terrarium Starter Kit

                    If you prefer a more straightforward approach, consider our Terrarium Starter Kit. This all-in-one kit includes everything you need to build a beautiful, self-sustaining terrarium. Perfect for beginners and experienced hobbyists alike! It features plants that require minimal maintenance, making it ideal for those seeking low-maintenance options.

                    Happy gardening!

                    Note: Ensure the health and vibrancy of your terrarium by maintaining proper light, humidity, and temperature conditions. Regularly monitor and trim plants as needed to keep your terrarium looking its best.

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